If you have ever used a cryptocurrency exchange, you will understand the convoluted process of working out how you deposit money and successfully buy/sell, whilst not having a person to go to directly when issues arise, or even to understand the whole crypto investment process in the first place.
Crypto brokers solve this problem, by giving clients the opportunity to deal with people promptly when they need help or if things go wrong.
A crypto broker therefore serves as a middleman between people buying and selling the cryptocurrency, whilst always providing a personalised service.
Advantages of a Crypto Broker
Service-driven experience
Typically, greater transparency with pricing as a result of dealing with people
You usually know who you are dealing with on a personal level
Disadvantages of a Crypto Broker
Some brokers could be unregulated, leading to a lack of trust for clients.
Some brokers may have anonymous identities - if the broker will not share their identity, there is likely a good reason why.
What is GlobalBlock?
GlobalBlock is a cryptocurrency brokerage based in Mayfair, London, and publicly listed on a Canadian stock exchange (TSX Venture Exchange) under the symbol “BLOK”. GlobalBlock was founded in 2018 by traditional finance entrepreneurs, who experienced how frustrating it was to buy cryptocurrency at the time. They had a vision - to create a cryptocurrency investing journey that was straightforward and where you deal with people who you can trust, hence founding GlobalBlock.
GlobalBlock is a company incorporated and registered in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of Lithuania as a virtual currency depository wallet operator and virtual currency exchange operator (Approved and Registered as VASP – Virtual Asset Service Provider).
What does GlobalBlock provide?
1. GlobalBlock provides a trading platform for you to buy or sell a wide range of cryptocurrencies.
There are 20 pairs available via the app and when trading directly with our dealing desk (OTC) you can access over 100 different digital assets.
The app allows you to easily view your portfolio, access charting and keep on top of the latest crypto price movements.
2. GlobalBlock clients also gain personalised account managers, giving them the opportunity to take trades over the Phone or via our secure messenger, powered by Qwil. and Live Chat.
3. Furthermore, GlobalBlock provides a secure solution for clients to store your digital assets, as well as insurance options to cover clients against theft or malicious intent.
Why use GlobalBlock?
1. Service-led Experience
GlobalBlock offers excellent customer support. By gaining your own account manager, you can develop a personal relationship with a senior trader and be guided from start to finish in your investment journey.
2. Staying Informed
GlobalBlock traders have developed astute expertise through decades of experience in financial markets and can aid you through every step of the way.
GlobalBlock clients can also receive a daily newsletter updating them on all the latest market updates which investors need to know about.
3. Publicly Listed
Trust is crucial for any business. It is the glue that binds companies to their customers and to the communities where they operate.
Trust is scarce in the cryptocurrency market currently but being publicly listed means that GlobalBlock builds trust with clients, by upholding to greater transparency and regulatory requirements.
4. Security
Custodial risk is a major concern for cryptocurrency investors.
GlobalBlock provide a secure storage solution as well as insurance options for clients.
5. Transparent Pricing
GlobalBlock charges a fixed fee for buying or selling cryptocurrencies, with no hidden deposit or withdrawal fees.
GlobalBlock also makes it clear what you pay before a trade is executed.
6. Straightforward journey
Your account manager can help you manage your investments.
GlobalBlock places an emphasis on customer service, so if you’re looking for a bit of guidance when it comes to trading and investing in cryptocurrency, GlobalBlock is the crypto broker you need!